It’s Not This Time of Year Without strawberry jam

Okay, Strawberry Jam sound simple, But it won’t If it’s homemade-with-love Jam–My family always makes sour strawberry jam in Christmas or new years (well, We don’t celebrates thanksgiving), And It’s our signature jam, Add too much strawberry and lemon and less sugar 🙂 Sometimes we bought a big pack of strawberry (Last year we’ve got 2 kg!) And could not spend too much strawberry like that so we giving away to our neighbors as a lovely gift.

My fave strawberry frappe from leftover fruit


One year we tried making it ourselves so we bought a strawberry jam from store and found it has much more sugar than berries itself–So after it ran out we kept it bottle to store our jam, ‘we hate too much sweet’–just our family quote–Oh I’m kidding!!

Every years we will smell a sweet, soft scent of strawberry from our kitchen! And no one can’t wait to taste it. When I was children I dipped my dirty finger in it and lick 🙂 Sound very bad? Aw! My mom always told me to just paste it on breads and no one will need to–carefully spoon dirt out..

And Candy Cane! we never able to buy strawberry candy cane–we decide to buy candy and other sweet only one day before eve, ’cause I don’t know why it always ran out before actual Christmas and we must hurry to buy it 🙂 So we decided to make sure it won’t ran out quickly but other don’t and rush to the store before us, Then what? It ran out too.

So we just dip it in a jam!

Wanna make your own jam filled chocolate?

You’ll need :

Chocolate mold (Seashell mold is cute but you can use simple one)

250 g Dark chocolate (Finely chopped)

150 g strawberry jam orany you’d like

Here’s how

1.Melt dark chocolate in microwave or tempered at 45 celcius and freeze strawberry jam in freezer or fridge untill jellied or froze.

2.Pour melt chocolate into 1/4 of mold,

3.Let chilled for an hour.

4.spoon a small amount of jam into chocolate mold with chocolate based, Pour remaining chocolate (cooled down) into a mold to cover strawberry jam, Put into fridge immediatly.

Finish! enjoy your own praline 🙂

But this year we are breaking the rules and rush for better candy cane a week before holiday and keep it in deepest fridge! No one will know because our fridge is usually full with every stuff–cake I bake, noodle, cheese blah blah blah…How about you? What’s your holiday-must-have things? don’t forget comment about it below!

via Photo Challenge: It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

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