Casual autumn look

Hi everyone 🙂 how are you? Today I dressed up in very casual look and It’s kinda not bad.

I went to, I’d better say rush to AIIZ sales yesterday and try to spend as much time as I can and carrying clothes and clothes back home =)

Hmm..This out fit is NOT fabulous or amazing or so lovely girlish (blah blah blah) but it’s okay, I means, I’m not making fashion site and I’m not good about clothing! But I love sharing–!!

An AIIZ top and Levis lady’s jeans

The weather gone batty now, This morning my finger frozen and now, how? Sun is shining. What’s I do is brought coat and scarf with me wherever, Kinda strange? But it’s work if weather is shifting and unstable like this.

I picked out my old, simple denim jean from Levis lady and It’s perfect matched. I love wearing jeans with T-shirt, every time I bought any skirt or miniskirt just to found it’s to small to wear, and not easily matched with any top.

in warm sunlight I try to ignore makeup, light colored powder and peach lip gloss are good choice.

So how about you? what’s your fave fashion look? (for me it must be casual and simple ^^)

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